Saudi tennis player Yara Alhogbani was invited alongside Emirati designer Mariam Al Remaithi and Kuwait-based Lebanese actress Laila Abdallah for an introspective session that honours the spirit of reflection during Ramadan. Accepting the invitation without hesitation, the women demonstrated the essence of community, spirituality and femininity that is synonymous to the Messika woman.
At just 18 years of age, Yara Alhogbani is the first female tennis player to represent the Kingdom professionally on an international level. Young, dynamic, and energetic, she possesses a magnetic appeal that ignites and inspires, just like the Maison’s signature diamonds. Her determination and perseverance are mirrored in Mariam Al Remaithi, who started pursuing her passion for clothing design from childhood. An acclaimed fashion designer, she has trailblazed her path to Paris, innovating and recalibrating benchmarks in a manner that is symbolic of Messika’s visionary designs. A beloved figure in the region, Laila Abdallah is renowned for her multi-faceted and uniquely playful personality, attributes that are inherently ingrained within the values and sensibilities of Messika’s DNA.