Our 5 bestsellers
September 27, 2022
Five creations that you're going to love!
Our 5 bestsellers

Every woman deserves a little sparkle in her life, and Messika diamond jewelry is the perfect way to illuminate your skin. These luxury pieces of jewelry can be worn on any occasion to give a touch of glamour to your outfits. Here are the latest bestsellers to incorporate into your jewelry box!

This is M

Our 5 bestsellers


This Move Uno pavé ring will be love at first sight! With a new interpretation of the Maison's iconic design available in a larger size, this diamond ring will add an extra touch of sparkle to your fingers. Its delicate and sensual openwork aesthetic together with its moving diamond will soon make this luxury piece an essential addition to your wardrobe. Fall in love with this stylish jewelry piece that is trendier than ever before!


Our 5 bestsellers


Looking for the perfect gift? The Gatsby multi-hoop earrings are just the thing!

Timeless diamond earrings designed to fit the lobe perfectly and become an essential item in your jewelry box. A dazzling piece of luxury jewelry in diamond-paved gold, which will add the finishing touch to your outfits. Radiant and charming women’s earrings, in white, yellow or pink gold.


Our 5 bestsellers


A real bestseller from the Messika Maison, the Baby Move Pavé necklace is the perfect companion!

A cage with three moving diamonds is the hallmark of this iconic collection. Available in white, pink or yellow gold, this women's necklace will become an essential piece to wear around your neck for a feminine and glamorous look.

In addition to being 100% on-trend, the pieces in the Move Classique jewelry collection can also be worn every day. Let yourself be seduced by this diamond necklace!


This is M

Our 5 bestsellers


This already iconic model can be worn in several lengths thanks to a clever sliding adjustment system. Available in pink, white or yellow gold, as well as with colourful gemstones, this reversible necklace will become a true talisman whenever you wear it! A lucky charm crowned with diamonds, on the back of which a sweet message, an important date or initials can be engraved.


Our 5 bestsellers


Does your perfect outfit include a stunning diamond creation? Then this bangle bracelet is just what you need! Discreet and elegant, this 18K gold band will fit comfortably around your wrist thanks to a system of invisible gold nanosprings.

It is open at the top and features a 0.15-carat pear-cut diamond and a 0.15-carat emerald-cut diamond. Ideal for any occasion, it will perfectly complement other Messika diamond bracelets or your lucky charm pieces.


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